Sharing with everybody..

Friday, August 31, 2012

Kim Hyun Joong Fan Meeting in Singapore..

Actually, i had said it in the last post, but i wanna share some vid that i watch whenever his Asia Fan Meeting.. hope u enjoy it then.. i will update it again.. after i found it, arrange them..

Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia... 55 years already.

Selamat Hari kemerdekaan untuk semua rakyat Malaysia...

selepas raya, celebrate merdeka plak.. hehe..
me actually xde rancangan ape2 pn, duk kemas umah je..
ni nk smbg update blog. i wish i can continue to do this..

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t..

As usual, me jarang update blog.. sekarang cuti raya aidilfitri.. blik kg about 1 week. but with a lot of work to finish before go back to office.. huhu.. raya pn x tenang but still enjoy berhari raya bersama family..

Tahun ni rancang nk g melawat semua kwn2 yg dh lame x jmpe.. so far, so good.. hehe..

planning to update more kpop in this blog.. if... if.. if.. and if i have time to update... kekeke... as you know, i really love Kim Hyun Joong.. i only can see him if he come to malaysia.. real him.. that's why i will spare my time to go see him if he is in Malaysia, of course. hehe..

but for now, i have to finish my work fisrt before i continue with more update about whatever i love in kpop.. hehehe..

bye... annyeong..

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kim Hyun Joong Fan Meeting Asia Tour 2012 - Singapore

long time no update..
haha.. i didn't update anything last ye.. hehe.. no more promise...

kali ni betul2 nk cite psl g singapore special tu Kim Hyun Joong Fan Meeting Asia Tour.. first stop hyun joong FM ni kt singapore.. terkejut la sbb dekat n yg paling penting, Malaysia xde lam senarai FM ni.. sedih den.. den la la suke benor kt mamat korea sorang ni.. die buat fan meet tp xde kt Malaysia.. apa lagi bile member gtau kt singapore first stop..

pikir2, campur tolak risiko2, duit travel, duit tiket FM, duit hotel.. cmpur tolak ckp la..
then join MYKHJ nk travel by train.. jimat pn jimat.. hehe.. x pk ape dh, yg penting nk join the FM. hehe.. dpt hi5 dorh.. semua 1 stadium tu.. sape xnk kan.. hehe.. fan hyun joong sure la nk..

Time nk train n dh gerak tu.. mcm x caye plak betul2 nk pegi nih.. then bile dh sampai.. terasa dh lain dh.. xsabar nk tgk hyun joong nyanyi n dance depan mate n real nih. time die mai Malaysia dlu sbb The Face Shop aje.. xde nyanyi2 nih.. hehe..

Then, check in hotel.. tgu other persons yg dh janji nk g same2.. then gerak naik teksi g stadium.. ramai gak la yg br kenal kt situ.. hehe.. tp kt luar stadium mcm kurang meriah.. lagipn xde both2 yg jual brg mcm kebiasaan konsert tu.. lame2 bila dh ramai yg berkumpul, br la rs meriah skit.. then beratur ambik t-shirt n brooch free from hyun joong.. tp org lain la bg tu.. kekeke..

Excited jangan ckp la.. then tibe mase beratur tuk msk lam stadium.. kitorg pn beratur n masuk.. duk floor u ols.. hehe.. tiket mahal.. habis duit den.. huhu.. tp nk enjoy punye psl.. x hengat la.. Excited sunggoh tp sebenarnye... aku xpernah plak nk hafal lagu2 hyun joong ni.. music igt la.. tp lirik hampeh x hingat.. hehe..

Lam stadium start psg lagu2 hyun joong..masing2 tgu jer.. excited semua.. then bile lampu dh ttp, semua menjerit.. kuar la hyun joong dgn bergayanya di samping dancer die Artmatic.. aku duk 2 lines terakhir.. then tgk sha(mykhj admin) berdiri kt line blakang skali.. join la die.. hehe.. leh berdiri n view pn lagi baik.. hehehehe..

enjoy sunggoh mlm tu.. 2nd time la tgk die perform live.. dlu ng SS501 persona bangkok. tp solo fan meet, first time la... hehe.. enjoy tu mmg enjoy tp xtau la sbb duduk blakang skali ke ape.. xdgr sgt fans follow die nyanyi.. smua mcm diam jer.. tp lam fancam kt YT dgr jer ade org nyanyi.. ade kut.. maybe x ramai.. hehe.. mcm aku yg x igt dienye lirik.. haha.. then lagi 1, lightstick hijau mcm x byk jer.. tu pn xtau la sbb aku x tgk betul2 or salah tgk ke ape..

xpe la, ape2 pn semua enjoy.. then tibe mase nk hi5.. beratur la masing2.. n ade usher2 yg pagang kotak tuk fans bg hadiah n papercrain projek tu.. me pgg 1 postcard yg mykhj buat mission..
then time aku naik stage, aku bg postcard tu kt manager-nim hyun joong... xtau die name ape.. tp byk2 aktiviti hyun joong, manager ni slalu jer ade.. dpt la hi5 ng hyun joong. tp x puas.. maybe sbb time aku tgk die, die dh pandang kt org blakang aku.. frust wei.. hehe.. xpe la.. not my rezeki nk eye to eye ng hyun joong.. hehe..

pastu ended je hi5, ramai yg duk tgu kt pintu kuar blakang staduim. masing2 nk tgk die kuar.. hehe.. me n my friends decide duk tepi jln laluan kuar jer.. then time kereta hyun joong lalu tu, hyun joong still x naikkan cermin tingkap die.. die smile n wave kt kitorg.. hehe.. dpt la kenangan manis kt situ... hehe..

then time blik hotel n esoknye balik ke negara tercinta, Malaysia.. still ng train.. hehe..

sekian ceritaku sehari di hari Hyun Joong Fan Meeting Asia Tour 2012.. hehe..
bye.. anneong.. ^-^

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Long time no c

wah...lamanya x update blog ni.. igtkan nk update psl g jln2 korea ari tu. insya allah, dlm mase terdekat. kt ofis busan bukan main buat keje. blik mlm, insya allah, berjinak balik update blog ni. tuk sape yg nk tau psl jln2 cr mkn kt korea.. wait ar.. coming soon...


Thursday, March 25, 2010

encore memont by aida unnie...daebak..

altot is was a month ago, i wanna share with u all with aida unnie's picture and experiance was in korea for SS501 persona encore consert.. bianne unnie.. only got to done this late...domo2 bianne. let's share yorobun..

25/02/2010 From LCCT to Singapore gathered with TripleS Singapore. Not sure how many going but maybe around 30 member. 9 from Malaysia remaining from Singapore . Flight to Seoul 10:30PM.

Photo 1 with Singapore TripleS at Changi Airport before departure.
Photo 2 Gym Stadium Olympic Park

Photo3 stadium opposite Gym Stadium

Photo 4 SNSD concert same date same venue but different stadium on 27/02/2010.

Photo 5 with SS501 Malaysian fans and the Korean girl from whom we buy the green light stick…

Photo 6 with China TripleS. Later on notice the cloth upside down already hehehe..

28/02/2010 2nd day Persona Encore In Seoul concert day we’re at 5th row from stage equivalent to 10 meter from stage. Today I bring my HP but I take photo before and after the event only. I don’t want security Oppa to take away my HP..

Photo 7 stage before 2nd day Persona Encore In Seoul.

Photo 8 before 2nd day Persona Encore In Seoul start

Photo 9 Oppa from MBC..

Photo 10 stage after 2nd day Persona Encore In Seoul

I manage to shake hand with CEO Park but my two friend only can touch his abdomen when their trying their very best to approach CEO Park..It really funny when CEO Park suddenly cross his hand at his abdomen. He run away toward the stage with his sweet and cute smile. He really know how to make other love him..

Concert finished at 9:00 PM and we’re on the way back home the next day. The sweetest day to remember..

End of aida unnie's diary(encore moment :p)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Starting with annyeong....

Annyeong yorobun...first of all.. i wanna start blogging about our boys ss 501 and also other kpop artist. i wanna share with my friends about anything that i wanna share..haha.. one unnie told me to share her experience with all of u, make me wanna try to start blogging again.. coz my previous blog are so empty..huhu..don't know how to make it warm and have no time to update the blog.. yorobun...please guide me if me wrong..keke..
